I'm 80% confident that the telephone was patented before the year .
I'm 95% confident that the telephone was patented before the year .
I'm 99% confident that the telephone was patented before the year .

I'm 80% confident that the movie Titanic is more than minutes long.
I'm 95% confident that the movie Titanic is more than minutes long.
I'm 99% confident that the movie Titanic is more than minutes long.

I'm 80% confident that, as of March 2022, less than % of the land in the EU is Spanish.
I'm 95% confident that, as of March 2022, less than % of the land in the EU is Spanish.
I'm 99% confident that, as of March 2022, less than % of the land in the EU is Spanish.

I'm 80% confident that the budget for the movie Inception was more than $ million.
I'm 95% confident that the budget for the movie Inception was more than $ million.
I'm 99% confident that the budget for the movie Inception was more than $ million.

I'm 80% confident that Joseph Stalin died before the year .
I'm 95% confident that Joseph Stalin died before the year .
I'm 99% confident that Joseph Stalin died before the year .

I'm 80% confident that Italy's top income tax rate (circa 2022) is more than %.
I'm 95% confident that Italy's top income tax rate (circa 2022) is more than %.
I'm 99% confident that Italy's top income tax rate (circa 2022) is more than %.

I'm 80% confident that (as of 2022) there are fewer than countries with higher population than Egypt.
I'm 95% confident that (as of 2022) there are fewer than countries with higher population than Egypt.
I'm 99% confident that (as of 2022) there are fewer than countries with higher population than Egypt.

I'm 80% confident that, at the start of 2022, the Simpsons had aired more than episodes.
I'm 95% confident that, at the start of 2022, the Simpsons had aired more than episodes.
I'm 99% confident that, at the start of 2022, the Simpsons had aired more than episodes.

I'm 80% confident that the last state execution in the UK happened before the year .
I'm 95% confident that the last state execution in the UK happened before the year .
I'm 99% confident that the last state execution in the UK happened before the year .

I'm 80% confident that the soundtrack to the videogame Undertale has at least songs.
I'm 95% confident that the soundtrack to the videogame Undertale has at least songs.
I'm 99% confident that the soundtrack to the videogame Undertale has at least songs.